Monday, March 4, 2013

Activity 3.3.4 Energy Codes

1.    Follow the link to What’s Happening in Your State. Based on the map and key, what is the status of the energy codes in Indiana (where the Keystone Library building is located)? What is the energy code status in neighboring states? What is the energy code status in your state? 

In my state and in Indiana (which are the same) the energy code status is ASHRAE 90.1-2007. In the neighboring state of illinois the energy code is 2012 IECC. In another neighboring state of Ohio the energy code is 2009 IECC. In the southern neighbor of Kentucky the energy code is 2009 IECC. In the northern neighboring state of michigan the energy code is
ASHRAE 90.1-2007.

2.    What is needed in order to comply with the energy code (using the prescriptive approach presented in the PowerPoint) with regard to the unheated slab on grade for the Keystone Project? If the project were located in Montana, what would be the requirement for perimeter slab insulation? 
Neither have extra requirements about unheated slab grade or insulation.

3. Calculate the percentage of exterior wall composed of fenestration to verify that the area of fenestration is less than or equal to 40%.

29% good
4. Assume that the client would like to provide shading for the fenestrations on the south face of the building in order to protect the library books and resources from damage from the sun. Research methods to provide window shading and paste in a preliminary design that would provide shading such that the resulting projection factor does not restrict the use of windows based on the Solar Heat Gain Coefficient.
You could add an over hang to provide shade or you could use shades. 

5. Calculate the heat loss through the new second floor wall in the Keystone Library Renovation. Assume an interior temperature of 68 degrees F and an exterior temperature of 32 degrees F.  

A= 1078.63 , U= (1/1.67)= .5988, T= 36 degrees    

Q'= 23251.81
6.    What is the purpose of energy codes?
The purpose of energy codes are to make sure that buildings are energy efficient.
7.    How does adding a vestibule improve energy efficiency?
It helps keep the building warm or cool by not allowing a direct flow of the outside weather into the building.
8.     What recommendations would you make to improve the energy efficiency of the existing structure during the renovation process for the Keystone Library?
You could add solar panels to try and make the library more self sustaining. You could also add overhanging eaves and shades to keep the rooms cool.

3.3.6 HVAC Systems

1.    What is important to consider when designing an HVAC system?
 Some factors that are important to consider when designing an HVAC system would include; efficiency, site orientation, and air infiltration.

2.    How does the HVAC system affect the design of the building structure?
It would affect the design of the building because you would need to desgin specific rooms to support the system.
3.    How does an engineer know the requirements for mechanical design of an HVAC system?
An engineer would know these requirements by looking at the specific requirements within the codes.
4.    Why is it important for architects to be aware of how mechanical systems are designed or constructed?
It is important for architects to be aware because they need to build around the mechanical systems and make sure there is enough room for all the equipment.

5.    What information must an architect provide to a mechanical engineer to ensure proper design and placement of the mechanical systems?
He would need to provide the engineer with plans and layout of the building in order to make sure everything will work between the two plans.